Roger Claessens No Comments

Decision Making

This text is based on: “Thinking fast and slow” by Daniel Kahneman.

My only regret is that I this book was not published years ago and that I did not benefit earlier from the remarkable observations of the author, reason why I want to share this with you and the students of UBI in Brussels who follow my course on DECISION MAKING. “This book is a tour de force by an intellectual giant; it is readable, wise and deep. Buy it fast. Read it slowly and repeatedly. It will change the way you think, on the job, about the world, and in your own life.” (Richard Thaler, professor of behavioural science and economics, University of Chicago, co-author Nudge Read more

Roger Claessens No Comments

Winning is Great

Worrying about losing keeps you winning. Nelson Moss

The subject of corporate culture is so vast that I followed a process of selection, not based on my own criteria but on the criteria of Jack Welch, former chief executive officer (CEO) of General Electric[3] (GE). For information GE has a division called GE Capital which dwarfs many institutions in the financial sector. Jack Welch explains in his first book: “Straight from the Gut[4]”, how he got there but even more so how he changed the corporate culture. In his subsequent book he underlined the ingredients of a winning corporate culture[5]. I followed his line of thought. Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft Corporation, stated that “Winning” was a candid and comprehensive look at how to succeed in business- for everyone from college graduates to CEOs’. Thus, the selection of winning items which follow is not random. Read more